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      E ae
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      Esse úsuario está banido, não e possível visualizar essa mensagem.
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      Esse úsuario está banido, não e possível visualizar essa mensagem.
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      Hi ;)
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      What could be causing my Samsung Galaxy A32 5G to overheat and drain the battery rapidly?

      I have been using a Samsung Galaxy A32 5G for about two years without any issues. However, recently, I noticed that the phone became unusually hot and the battery life decreased significantly. I tried replacing the battery with a new one, but the problem persisted. The phone remains hot even when it is idle or not running any apps. The temperature is comparable to when I used to play intensive games on it. I scanned the phone with antivirus software, but it did not detect any malware. I am wonderin
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      Это пипец! Хочу оставить негативный, но честный отзыв про Sushi Family (суши фемели). Сегодня, на Сухомлинского 44, Д
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      Освещение в помещении играет ключевую роль в создании уютной обстановки и функционального простр
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      Fica esperto n miranha q o venom ta te procurando
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      oi, tchau
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